About the foundation


Trinh Cong Son Art and Literature Foundation (also referred to as Trinh Cong Son Fund) is a social fund, operating for non-profit purposes.​

Trinh Cong Son Foundation aims to preserve and disseminate Trinh Cong Son’s immense and prolific artistic work as well as promote Vietnamese arts in general.​

The fund was formed with initial contribution from the Trinh Cong Son Family and co-founder of the Foundation. ​


Trinh Cong Son Art and Literature Foundation’s key mission are:

1. Preserve and disseminate Trinh Cong Son’s literary and artistic work.

2. Promote Vietnamese literature and art in Vietnam and abroad. These include the subjects of Poetry, Music, Painting, Sculpture, Van Xuoi and Drama.

3. Sponsor pure Vietnamese literature and art activities in a way that stays true to the spirit and art style that Vietnamese musicians have pursued throughout their lives.


Currently, activities related to musicians still occur regularly at House 47C Pham Ngoc Thach, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Saigon Book Street, Trinh Cong Son Lecture Hall at Van Lang University and across the country.

1. Organize Trinh Cong Son music and memory nights to support the foundation.

2. Organize performances and remembrance nights on birthdays (February 28th), Trinh Cong Son’s death anniversary (April 1st) and on Mother’s Day each year.

3. Create Trinh Cong Son scholarship programs periodically for research programs on Trinh Cong Son and programs related to Vietnamese art and literature.

4. Provide scholarships for excellent candidates to art and music schools both in Vietnam and abroad.

5. Sponsor seminars, exchanges, performances, exhibitions, presentations of Trinh Cong Son topics, or topics related to Vietnamese literature and art.

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